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Value Added Services

Candidate and employee assessments, skills assessments, ability tests, and outplacement services.

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~ SINCE 1998

A Variety of Recruitment Services

Precruitment uses the SHL suite of assessments, which includes a variety of tests designed to assess a candidate’s skills, abilities, and personality. The company also offers a variety of outplacement services to help employees who are being laid off transition to new jobs.

In addition to these services, Precruitment also offers a variety of other recruitment services, such as contract negotiation, reference checking, bulk recruitment, response handling services, and targeted selection interviews.

Value Added Services

Candidate and Employee Assessments

Precruitment employs the SHL suite of assessments. SHL is one of the world’s leading providers of integrated human resource technology solutions.

Assessment tools enable:

Increased efficiency in the recruiting, qualifying, interviewing and selection process.
Better hiring and promotion decisions.
Stronger defensibility against potential legal challenges.
Decreased employee turnover and associated costs.
Identification of strengths and developmental opportunities of candidates and current employees.

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