Greetings From Gayleen – April 2022
Greetings from Gayleen
Greetings from Gayleen
– April 2022
While we enjoy the many public holidays in April it is also the most important time of the year for many people. Anzac Day is a day of reflection and is considered by many as the most important day of the year on the Australian Calendar. It is said that it is the Day Australians feel more Australian than at any other time. It is a day to show our service men and women past and present, that what they do and what they sacrifice ‘matters’. Easter is the most important event on the Christian calendar and is celebrated by many in our community as a very special time of reflection and for others it’s a nice time to relax and spend time with friends and family or to get away for few days and eat lots of chocolate.
This is also a very busy time of the year in the employment sector. It is the time of year that many people are looking to make budgeted new hires or make the next move in their careers. There is also a lot of media noise around our upcoming election to be held in a few weeks’ time. There is always some uncertainty in the economy around election time as business’ wait for new policies and directions.
Can you believe it’s three years since our last election, time flies? Have we been having fun the last three years, not much I would say? Droughts, fires and Covid 19. Our economy has amazingly survived and some sectors have grown while others have sadly fallen during these unprecedented times. Unemployment is below 4% and construction has boomed. These are two of the biggest indicators of a strong economy. I don’t think anyone would have believed this could have happened during this time. The economy is always nervous during this time of uncertainty with many major economic decisions delayed until after the election. Then when it’s all over, life quickly settles down and moves along under the winning party.
We do look forward to getting the election behind us and getting on with some of the infrastructure investment and community spending as promised by the major parties for the regions. Good luck to all our candidates and thank you for all of your dedication and support of our communities. We really need your support and your voice in Canberra, no matter your alliance.
At Precruitment we welcome our new team member Recruitment Consultant, Tammi Werch. Complimented by Post Graduate qualifications in HR Management, Tammi has over 20 years Generalist HR experience working both strategically and operationally. Tammi has diverse industry experience including mining, construction, manufacturing, and agriculture recruiting both temporary and permanent positions across all professions and job categories. Tammi thrives in the fast pace and enjoys building relationships with all stakeholders.
It is very exciting that most of the covid restrictions have been lifted and even international travellers do not need to be vaccinated, finally life is almost back to a sense of normalcy. Have a great May Day and thank you for your continued support.