Colin’s Corner – December 2022 – The Reason for An Angel on Top of Xmas Trees – CD

Colin’s Corner

The Reason For An Angel On The Top Of Christmas Trees 

By Colin Toll

Some people wonder why there is a tradition of having an Angel on top of a Christmas tree.  Here is the story behind the tradition.

Many years ago, Santa was going about his pre-Christmas Day business but he was having one of those bad days that we all experience on occasions. He broke a runner on his sled and had to wait for the RACQ roadside assistance to fix it.  His two lead reindeers, Dasher and Dancer, were playing up pulling in different directions.

Frustrated by these issues, he decided to close his toy factory for the day and to go home.

On entering his home, he said something to Mrs Clause who was in the kitchen busy cooking.  She responded as did he and a small domestic argument began.  Santa, even more frustrated, stomped off to the sitting room and sat down in a comfortable lounge chair front of the fire and began reading his newspaper.

No sooner had he got comfortable when the front doorbell rang.  “Bugger” he thought as he reluctantly got up and began moving to the front door.

Santa opened the front door and there was an Angel standing there with a Christmas tree over her shoulder.  Cranky Santa looked at the Angel and said emphatically “Well?”

The Angel said “Here is your Christmas Tree, Santa”.  “What would you like me to do with it?”

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